About Us
Company Profile
Impact Investment House, established in 1996, is one of the oldest, most professional, experienced, and high-quality investment houses in Israel

The first chapter: 1996 to 2014
Impact Investment Management was established by Union Bank in 1996 and functioned as a subsidiary of the bank that focused on providing services in the financial markets to the bank's. clients and outside. Among other things, Impact engaged in consulting and managing investment portfolios for private and institutional clients. The company was located in the mythical headquarters building of Union Bank on Ahuzat Bait Street in Tel Aviv
During this period, the investment house flourished under Union Bank and grew in the scope of assets in asset management of institutional and private clients.
Under Union Bank, the investment house flourished and expanded its scope of asset management for institutional and. In 2002, Impact purchased the company "Amner – Investment Portfolio Management". Following the purchase, the scope of asset management increased to approximately 850 million NIS.
In 2009, Mr. Tzachi Rudnik, who was the director of research at the American investment house OSCAR GRUSS, was appointed CEO of the company. Impact managed about 2 billion NIS this year

The second chapter: Impact Investment House
Following the reform after the Bacher Committee, the investment houses were separated from the banks. In 2014, the decision was made by the board of directors of Union Bank to sell Impact
The management of the investment house under the authority of CEO Tzachi Rudnik, together with another group of investors led by a family of Swiss bankers decided to purchase Impact during a Management Buy Out, out of faith in the quality and uniqueness of the investment house

Impact Investment House operates as a boutique that provides a customer-focused service, with a solid, professional and patient character, but with the professional capabilities of a large financial body. In this way, the best investment house in all worlds is integrated into the impact without the shortcomings that characterize large entities, while neutralizing conflicts of interest that characterize large investment houses
At Impact, each and every customer receives individual treatment. He enjoys the full organizational attention of the case manager according to his specific needs
Impact works to generate excess returns for the clients' investment portfolios, at as low risk levels as possible, while carefully combining investment in solid channels and equity channels and while taking advantage of opportunities in the market. The investment managers demonstrate flexibility and professionalism, using complex products alongside the standard management.
Impact presents a unique model in the local capital market that combines impressive professional ability, which relies on a professional team and powerful analysis tools at its disposal, together with a personal and humane approach focused on the client. The extensive experience gained by the employees of the investment house, both in portfolio management and in consulting, have made it a leading factor among portfolio managers in the capital market, without losing its uniqueness
Impact has set a high-quality standard for professions and value management, while ensuring integrity, due disclosure, fairness and service, all while adapting the management and investment avenues to the financial needs of the customers
Impact's investment policy is designed to improve the clients' investment portfolio and maximize returns, while making sure to minimize risks, take advantage of opportunities, respond quickly to what is happening in the market, and be flexible in thinking. It is about implementing a calculated and sophisticated investment strategy, connected to the long-term needs of the customers
The portfolio managers at Impact adopt an integrated and balanced policy, while maintaining a constant dialogue with clients. The guidelines are patience and self-discipline as essential tools in bringing a return, which can only be achieved over time. The main idea is to go with the capital market and not act against it
Two of the principles that guide the investment house are persistence and diversification. Perseverance guarantees a long-term return, because in the end, the high tide not only offsets the low days, but also guarantees an excess return. Investment diversification ensures informed risk management. The management of the clients' investment funds is done in reliable and professional hands
The investment house's analysts analyze the situation on a regular basis, with the aim of ensuring the maximization of the return in the client's portfolio, when the investment management is done in a transparent manner and not in a "black box
The investment house shares with the client its analyzes and assessments regarding the global and Israeli economy and the state of the capital markets and presents the investment considerations derived therefrom.
Impact Managment

Tzachi Rodnik

Viktor Atlan
Cheif Investment Manager

Nate Brand
Research Department

Meital Yupiter
Back-Office Manager

Ori Yechezkel
Trading Department

Lior Rachamim
:Contact Us
Phone: +972-77-519-1600
Fax: +972-77-519-1616
Email: Impact@Impact-inv.co.il
Whatsapp: +972-50-565-5553
53 Rothschild Boulevard,
6578501, Tel Aviv,
Waze: "Impact Investment House"